Dvifldyq Ruqfnzyi

First name Ruqfnzyi
Last name Dvifldyq
Associated and federated with Swiss Carrom Association
Tourneys 3
Matches 9 won (36%) and 16 lost (64%) , 18 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 3. MSP-Turnier Swiss Championship 2014/15 01-17-2015 6 40 -16 25.75 13
2 19th Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 08-28-2015 Thomas Barbara 6 50 -21 14.00 26
3 19th Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 08-29-2015 8 101 -43 181.00 92