Soqfvuaa Srifnfxi

First name Srifnfxi
Last name Soqfvuaa
Associated to Mezzocorona Carrom Dragons
Federated with Carrom Club Valjevac
Tourneys 2
Matches 4 won (28%) and 10 lost (71%) , 7 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 21st Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 07-28-2017 Nuqfzkdq Juegnaoy 2 34 -77 2.00 49
2 21st Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 07-29-2017 0 14 -25 76.00 133