Maslowski Karol

First name Karol
Last name Maslowski
Gender Male
Country Poland
Associated to Torunski Klub Carrom
Federated with Polish Carrom Association
Tourneys 3 (1 silver medal and 1 bronze medal)
Matches 5 won (41%) and 7 lost (58%) , 12 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 V Otwarty Torunski Turniej Carrom Liga Toruńska 04-11-2015 4 20 -20 350.00 13
2 VI Torunski Turniej Carrom ... 03-05-2016 4 21 -18 750.00 3
3 XV Toruński Turniej Carrom ... 03-07-2020 4 8 49 900.00 2