.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. :Project: SoL .. :Created: mer 25 dic 2013 11:11:43 CET .. :Author: Lele Gaifax .. :License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later .. :Copyright: © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 Lele Gaifax .. .. _players management: Players management ------------------ .. index:: pair: Management; Players The *players* are obviously the main protagonists of the system: up to version 3 they could also have an *authenticated role*, but in SoL 4 that has been superceded by :ref:`users `. Only a few users have the :ref:`permission ` to manage the players in the database. .. contents:: Menu actions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the :ref:`standard actions ` the menu at the top contains the following items: .. figure:: players.png :figclass: float-right Players management :guilabel:`Tourneys` Opens the :ref:`management of the tourneys ` which the selected player participated to :guilabel:`Duplicates` Switches from the normal visualization of the players to the one showing potential :ref:`duplicates ` :guilabel:`Distribution` Show the distribution of the players around the world :guilabel:`Privacy` Make the selected players *discernible* in the public views, setting the `privacy`_ flag to ``Agreed``: you can select one or more players keeping pressed the :kbd:`Ctrl` key and extend the selection with the :kbd:`Shift` key :guilabel:`Assign` Change the ownership of the selected players: you can select one or more players keeping pressed the :kbd:`Ctrl` key and extend the selection with the :kbd:`Shift` key .. _players insert and edit: Insert and edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: pair: Insert and edit; Players First name, last name and nick name +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Player's :guilabel:`first name` and :guilabel:`last name` are mandatory, while :guilabel:`nickname` may be used to disambiguate homonyms. When changes are committed SoL does check for the presence of players with a similar name to avoid duplicates_. .. hint:: Usually the nickname of the player is shown in the interface and on printouts. When the nickname is used for disambiguation, we suggest to compose it using the last name plus the first letter of the first name, or the other way around, possibly dropping spaces or quote characters: SoL recognizes these cases and omits the nickname, with the goal of reducing clutter in the interface and printouts. In other words, for the player “John De Beers”, in the following cases the nickname will be **omitted**: * ``john`` * ``de beers`` * ``debeers`` * ``jdebeers`` * ``jde beers`` * ``debeersj`` * ``de beersj`` * ``johnd`` * ``djohn`` Sex, birthdate, nationality, club, language and email +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Player's :guilabel:`sex`, :guilabel:`birthdate`, :guilabel:`nationality` and :guilabel:`club` are optional and used to compute different kinds of ranking, while :guilabel:`language` and :guilabel:`email` can be used to send email messages. Privacy +++++++ The field :guilabel:`agreed privacy` is an explicit acknowledgment that the player gave the permission to be recognizable in publicly accessible views (i.e., visible by anonymous visitors), primarily the ``LIT`` interface. The logic used to establish whether the name of the player appears in clear or obfuscated is the following: * when he explicitly made the choice, player's :guilabel:`firstname`, :guilabel:`lastname`, :guilabel:`sex` and :guilabel:`portrait` will appear in clear in the positive case, otherwise obfuscated; * on the contrary, when he did not make a specific choice, ``SoL`` implicitly assumes the positive case if the player participated to any tournament after January 1, 2020: this is backed by the decision taken by the `ECC`__ that anybody who wishes to play in tournaments organized by affiliated clubs *have to* agree that his data can be used on related websites. __ http://www.european-carrom-confederation.com/pageID_1469902.html .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Carrom_Federation .. note:: For obvious reasons, the player's full name appears in clear in the tournaments management user interface, **even** when he did not give the permission. Citizenship +++++++++++ In order to be accepted as a participant to international events very often a player must have the :guilabel:`citizenship` of the country he plays for, and usually he must be affiliated to the :guilabel:`federation` of the same country. Owner +++++ The user who is *responsible* of the player data, usually the one that inserted that particular record: the information related to the player are changeable only by him (and also by the *administrator* of the system). .. _portrait: Portrait ++++++++ The :guilabel:`portrait` may be any image (preferred formats are ``.png``, ``.jpg`` or ``.gif``) and will be used in his personal page. Even if the image will be scaled as needed, it is recommended to assign reasonable sized images (see the footnote on the :ref:`clubs emblem `). Tourney registration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: subscribe.png :figclass: float-left Adding other players When you prepare a new tournament and want to subscribe the participant players, the :guilabel:`add…` action of the :ref:`competitors panel` on the left of the :ref:`tourney ` window will open the players window, where you can select one or more players (the usual :kbd:`shift`\-click and :kbd:`ctrl`\-click allow to extend the selection). The grid automatically shows **only** the players **not yet** present in the current tourney. By default it also shows only the players who participated to at least one event organized by the same club of the current tourney in the last year: there is a :guilabel:`Show all players` button in the lower right corner to toggle between this view and the *show all* view. To add the selected players you can *drag and drop* them into the left panel of the tourney's management window, or more simply you can use the :guilabel:`Insert selected players` button, if present. .. _duplicates: Merging players ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index: pair: Players; Duplicated .. figure:: duplicated.png :figclass: float-left Potentially duplicated players Sometime a player gets registered twice (or more) with slightly different names, for whatever reason. The typical case is when the same player participates to different tourneys: being known with different names, his results cannot be correctly summarized in the championship's ranking, where he appears more than once, with different *aliases*. In this situation a *merge* is needed, that is, his various *aliases* must be unified into a single person, possibly that with the right and complete name, his *canonical name*; also, those names must be replaced in every tourney he participated to with the canonical one and finally deleted from the database. This can be done by selecting the *wrong* aliases to be unified and :kbd:`ALT`\-dragging (that is, dragging the selected names keeping the :kbd:`ALT` key pressed) them over the *right* name. You must of course filter the players so that all the names are visible in a single page at the same time, possibly prepending a temporary marker (for example ``**``) to the players' :guilabel:`last name` and filtering on that marker. The server application will ensure that the operation is possible, for example you'll get an error if the replacement would cause a conflict. To make the task easier, the :guilabel:`Duplicates` action in the menu may be handy, because it applies a particular filter to the list of players showing only those that *appear to be* duplicated: the first and the last name of the players are compared and only those with very similar names, tipically differing only by a couple of letters, are shown. .. warning:: Do **not** perform this cleanup **while** you are setting up a new tourney, as this may easily do the wrong thing with regard to not-yet-committed changes: *close the tourney management window*!