.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. :Project: SoL .. :Created: gio 30 gen 2014 09:19:03 CET .. :Author: Lele Gaifax .. :License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later .. :Copyright: © 2014 Lele Gaifax .. Insert, delete and modify ------------------------- .. figure:: modify.png :figclass: float-right Editing a record .. _standard actions: To the left of the menu at the top there are the following buttons: :guilabel:`Add new` Adds a new record, opening a `insertion window`. :guilabel:`Delete` Removes the selected record :guilabel:`Modify` Open a `modify window` on the selected record The latter action is also triggered with a double click on any of the records. The actual edits happen in another window that shows only the fields that may be changed: below the form there are two buttons, :guilabel:`Cancel` and :guilabel:`Confirm` and the latter is active only when the changes are correctly validated. All these operations do **not** cause an immediate change in the database: the grid shows edited records with a *yellow* background, new ones in *green* and removed ones in *red*. A little red triangle appears in the top left corner of edited fields. At this point the two actions near the top right corner of the window, :guilabel:`Confirm` and :guilabel:`Restore`, get enabled and respectively let you confirm all the changes or to forget them, reloading records from the database. .. warning:: Reloading the grid, or moving to a different page with the navigation bar, will cancel all not yet confirmed changes made so far!